Murders of Conveyance takes First Place for Fiction Adventure-Drama!

What a memorable year 2019 was! It seemed like yesterday when I returned from my Autumn 2018 trip to Portland, Oregon, and began looking ahead to the spring 2019 Tucson Festival of Books. Although I was caught by a second round of flu at the beginning of summer, I managed to complete several projects, and even win an award!
~ I was delighted to present the hardcover edition of Murders of Conveyance at the Tucson Festival of Books [one of the largest book fairs in the U.S.]. In November, I was honored to have this third Natalie Seachrist Mystery win First Place for Fiction Adventure-Drama in the 2019 New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards! It even inspired my to send out a news release.
~ I redesigned my author website with an expanded offering of Island Recipes and the addition of Tales of Tucson. I also rebuilt the Imaginings marketing tips website, with greater linkage to my author site. Are YOU providing both internal and external hyperlinks in your websites and social media pages? It’s a great way to invite visitors to all of your platforms for self-introduction!
~ A new professional page on Facebook is allowing me to more fully reach out to friends, colleagues, and readers. When you have a piece of news or a new feature on one of your online sites, share the information everywhere! I direct FB friends and followers to drop in at my websites whenever I have uploaded new information or recipes.
~ A shortened version of one of my blogs, “Coloration for Authors,” was featured on the Hometown Reads website, which unites the interests of both authors and readers! You can read the original version of the blog at
~ Traci Halesvass interviewed me on “Write on Four Corners,” which airs on San Juan College’s radio station KSJE, a New Mexico affiliate of Public Radio International. You can hear our conversation at
~ You’ll also note that I’ve upgraded this blog to include more color, images, and selected audio samples from my work, as well as that of co-authors of Under Sonoran Skies: Prose and Poetry from the High Desert.
~ In 2019 I launched my first paid news release. Depending on the work you perform, you might want to consider this means of promotion through cost-effective packages of interviews and ads.
With the announcement of the award, I’m currently updating marketing materials. And, with Microsoft discontinuing support for Windows 7, I’m now backing up all of my electronic files in preparation for installing a new computer. Fortunately, by having my computer custom built, I’ll be able to view my programs as though they were operating in Windows 7. One note of caution, no matter how many forms of backup you utilize, something can go wrong. So consider printing samples from your most important projects!
Although the New Year is opening with a focus on computer issues, I’m hoping to participate in an event with fellow author and artist Beth Surdut soon. And, in mid-March, the Tucson Festival of Books will again feature heavily in my schedule, as I anticipate being present in the Tucson Sisters in Crime booth on both days. Later in the year, I am planning a major trip to Honolulu to participate in the Hawai`i Book and Music Festival…and unite with a few friends and readers!
Wishing you the best in your creative endeavors,
Jeanne Burrows-Johnson, author, consultant, and motivational speaker
To learn more about the award-winning Natalie Seachrist Hawaiian Mysteries, including Murders of Conveyance [Winner, Fiction Adventure-Drama, 2019 New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards] and other projects, please drop in at my author’s website You’ll even find Island Recipes that might inspire your culinary creativity.
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